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A Convenient Combination For Blood Pressure Management

Perindopril/Indapamide: A Comprehensive Treatment for Hypertension

A Convenient Combination for Blood Pressure Management

Perindopril/indapamide, marketed under brand names such as Preterax Coversyl Plus and Noliprel, is a combination medication that has proven to be an effective treatment option for adults with mild-to-moderate high blood pressure. This combination product contains two medications: perindopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, and indapamide, a diuretic. ACE inhibitors work by blocking the conversion of a hormone called angiotensin I into angiotensin II, a potent blood vessel constrictor. By reducing the levels of angiotensin II, perindopril helps to relax blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Diuretics, like indapamide, work by increasing the production of urine, which helps to remove excess fluid and sodium from the body. This action also contributes to blood pressure reduction.

Clinical Benefits and Convenience

The combination of perindopril and indapamide has been shown to provide greater blood pressure control than either medication alone. It is also more convenient for patients, as it requires only one pill to be taken once or twice daily. This adherence-enhancing feature is important for achieving optimal blood pressure management. Additionally, studies have shown that perindopril/indapamide offers protection against target organ damage, such as thickening of the heart muscle and damage to the kidneys. This protection is crucial for preventing cardiovascular complications, including heart failure and stroke.


Perindopril/indapamide is a valuable and convenient treatment option for adults with mild-to-moderate high blood pressure. Its combination of two complementary medications provides effective blood pressure control, adherence-enhancing convenience, and protection against target organ damage. Patients with high blood pressure can benefit from discussing this treatment option with their healthcare provider to determine if it is right for them.
